Community involvement in development planning is a necessity, through participatory
planning or bottom up planning mechanisms, it is expected that the goals and objectives
of development are in accordance with the wishes of the community. However, community
participation in planning has so far only been a formality of musrenbang, participation
is limited to attendance, planning results are still dominated by technocratic
and political planning. The implementation of e-government in the implementation of
government, especially e-musrenbang, implies that there are changes in the development
planning process, namely increasing community participation. The method used
is literature study with secondary data based on the results of research and opinions of
experts related to the problem. The results of the study show that even though the community
participation in development planning has used the e-musrenbang system, it has
not been implemented optimally due to a system that has not been well integrated, the
translation of the National Development Planning System in digital space has not been
implemented well; fiscal and infrastructure support is still very limited.
Keywords: community participation, development planning, e-government, e-musrenbang