Implementation of Changes in Village Status from Regional Device to Sub-Distric Devices in District of Bungo Dani Bungo Regency-Jambi Province
Amendment to the law on Regional Government namely law number 23 of 2014 cause
a significant change, village organizations become sub-district device. The problem
that arises is the working relationship between the village head and the sub-district
head, performance of the village organization after changing regulations, and
performance of sub-district organization in supervising village. Research was
conducted in Bungo Dani sub-district Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. Purpose of this
Study is to know implementation of changes the village become a sub-district device.
Research method is qualitative research, because qualitative research is able to
capture phenomena in detail and can provide an overview for researchers. Technique
of data collection is done by conducting interviews, observation and documentation.
Result of the study generally went well, but there are several problems and obstacles
that is, poor communication between village heads and sub-district heads, the cause
does not understand the applicable regulations, late disbursement of funds for village
from sub-district, and regulation of present data on urban village officials in the subdistrict.
Conclusions and suggestions are that the process of implementing government
activities in general runs well, with some obstacles and problems. Suggestions, local
government must be more active in providing education and knowledge to the
apparatus in the sub-district and village to the applicable regulations.