Author Guidelines
The Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Pemerintahan Daerah (JIAPD) is a scientific journal published by the Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, containing theoretical concepts and research results in government science, after going through an assessment process by reviewers. Selected articles from the review process in this journal are published in an online version that can be accessed freely and in print. The management of this journal is uploaded with the Open Journal System (OJS).
General Standards for Writing Papers:
- The submitted manuscript is an original written work, has never been published elsewhere, and there is no element of plagiarism which is stated by a Statement of Originality of Writing signed by the author;
- Manuscripts are written in Indonesian and/or English;
- Title, Abstract, and Keywords are written in bilingual (Indonesian and English). Keywords (Keywords) of at least three words and a maximum of five words, Abstract of a maximum of 250 words;
- The manuscript is typed in 10 pages using Microsoft Word (.docx extension) on A4 size paper (210 mm x 297 mm), Times New Roman font size 12, Spacing 1.15, without additional spaces before and after paragraphs (No Spacing) . The upper limit is 2.5 cm, the lower limit is 2.5 cm, the left edge is 2.5 cm, and the right edge is 2.5 cm;
- The mention of terms outside the Indonesian vocabulary in Indonesian texts must be written in italics;
- The mention of terms outside the English vocabulary in English texts must be written in italics;
- Tables and pictures (pictures, graphs, photos, illustrations and the like) maximum 20% of the number of manuscript pages. Reasonable image size with high resolution;
- Manuscripts are uploaded through the IPDN OJS system on the page.
Writing Structure:
The written work consists of the following elements:
- Title (Indonesian and English);
- Author's name and address including e-mail;
- Abstract (Indonesian and English);
- Keywords (Indonesian and English);
- Introduction (background, problem formulation, objectives, theories, and hypotheses (tentative), methods (covering time and place, materials/methods of data collection, methods, data analysis);
- Results and Discussion (including illustrations: tables, pictures, graphs, photos, diagrams, and the like);
- Conclusion;
- Suggestion (tentative);
- Bibliography;
- Appendix (tentative).
How to Write the Title:
- The title must be short, clear and reflect the content of the article;
- The Indonesian title is typed in capital letters, bold (bold), and reflects the content of the writing, typed in the center;
- The English title is written with a capital letter at the beginning of each word, bold, italic, typed in the middle;
- If the title is written in Indonesian, then it will be rewritten in English below, and vice versa.
How to Write Name and Address:
- The author's name is typed under the title, written in full without mentioning the title, typed in bold and centered. If it is written by two or more people, then the name is numbered in superscript position after the name;
- Author's address (name and address of the working institution) is written in full with a space or space under the author's name. If two or more people with the same address are sufficient to write only one address;
- The e-mail address (electronic post) is written below the Author's address;
- If there is more than one address, it is marked with an asterisk (*) and followed by the current address;
- If the author consists of one person, then the conjunction "and" must be added (not the & symbol).
How to Write Abstract and Keywords:
- Abstract words are written in the middle (center) and bold (bold), abstract words are written in the middle (center), bold (bold), and italicized (italic);
- Abstract is written in one paragraph in the form of a statement. Written continuously without references, quotes, abbreviations, and is independent. Typed in Times New Roman font size 11 with a single space, left border 3 cm, right border 3 cm, and written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English with a maximum of 250 words;
- Abstract contains four aspects, namely: objectives, methods used, results and conclusions;
- If the written work uses Indonesian, the abstract in English takes precedence, and vice versa;
- Abstracts in Indonesian are followed by keywords in Indonesian, while abstracts in English are followed by keywords in English;
- Abstracts in English are written in italics (italic);
- Keywords are at least three words, and at most five words written in italics.
Table Presentation Method:
- The title of the table is displayed at the top of the table, left aligned, written using Times New Roman font size 10;
- The words "Table" and "Number" are written in bold (bold); while the table title is written normally. Use numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on) for numbering table headings;
- Tables are displayed left aligned (left);
- The type and size of the font for the contents of the table uses Times New Roman size 8–11 with 1.0 spacing;
- The inclusion of sources or descriptions is placed below the table, left aligned, using Times New Roman size 10.
How to Present Images (Including Maps, Illustrations, Graphics, Photos, or Diagrams):
- The image is displayed in the middle of the page (center);
- Image captions are written below the illustration, using Times New Roman font size 10, placed in the center;
- Images and image captions are made in a text box without displaying a border;
- Figures and numbers are written in bold, while the contents of the description are written normally;
- Numbering images using numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on);
- The inclusion of the source of the image/illustration is placed in brackets after the description of the image using Times New Roman font size 10.
How to Cite Source:
- The source references in the manuscript are enclosed in brackets in the following order: author's name, year of publication, and source page. Everything is placed in brackets (Imron, 2014:93);
- References from print and internet mass media are enclosed in brackets:
- Sources come from printed mass media without the author's name written in the following order: name of media, date of publication, and page (Example: Kompas, May 23 2017:22);
- Source pointers from printed mass media with the author's name are made in brackets in the following order: author's name, year of publication, and page (Example: Ekadjati, 2016:16);
- Reference to sources from the internet without the author's name, including the website address in brackets, for example: (http://;
- Source pointers from the internet with the author's name written in the following order: author's name and year of publication (Example: James, 2014).
- The source of the interview results is listed in the footnote, containing: name, age, position, date of interview. (Example: Kusnadi, 64 years old, Former Head of Wonorejo Village, 3 April 2015).
How to Write a Bibliography:
- For writing research results, the referenced bibliography is at least 10 references, 80% primary references;
- For articles other than research results, at least 25 references are referenced in the bibliography, 80% of which are primary references.
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