The Implementation of Simultaneous Village Head Implementation Policy in Realizing Participatory, Transparent and Accountable Election Process in Indonesia

  • Wawan Munawar Kholid


The purpose of this research is to Analyze the implementation of the simultaneous
Village Head election policy in realizing a participatory, transparent and accountable
election process in Bogor Regency and Arrange a new model of implementing the
Village Head Election policy simultaneously in realizing a participatory, transparent
and accountable election process in Bogor Regency. This study uses a qualitative
research approach with 21 (twenty-one) informants as a snowball technique.
Secondary data collection using literature study techniques, and primary data using
interview and observation techniques. Implementation of Pilkades policy
simultaneously in realizing the process of participatory selection, transparency, and
accountability. The implementation of the village head election policy simultaneously
in realizing the participatory, transparent and accountable election process in Bogor
Regency is not optimal because there are still many problems found. The new model
arranged is called the Sultaa Model, this model consists of elements of participation,
transparency, and accountability. The model can be applicable if it meets several
requirements, namely qualified human resources, adequate facilitation, adequate
funding, and effective supervision.

