• Lies Sumarnah Bangka Village One Stop Integrated Service Unit South Jakarta Administration, DKI Jakarta Province


Funeral permits are still in the public spotlight because the procedures are complicated and there are still many intermediaries in the arrangement of funeral permits in Jakarta. Cooperation between related agencies is also not yet effective. This study aims to find out the procedure offered in the arrangement of funeral Permits for Graveyard Land Management. This study is a descriptive qualitative study with in a deep interview with the informants and documentation study. The informants in this study consisted of two categories, namely: the licensor and the applicant. Determination of the licensing party's informants using a purposive sampling technique with a total of 4 people. While informants who came from the community as applicants were determined based on snowball sampling techniques with a total of 6 people. The research was conducted in the City of South Jakarta. The results showed that the procedure of arranging of funeral permits has become simpler, initially four stages into two stages, namely to public burial place (TPU) and one-stop integrated service (PTSP) only, payment of fees can use an Automatic Teller Machine, Electronic Data Capture Machine, or electronic money. Collaborative governance is one alternative solution in the arrangement of funeral permits for the realization of services that are easy, fast, and transparent to the community. The adoption of the concept of collaborative governance is believed to improve services in the arrangement of funeral permits in the City of South Jakarta.

Keywords:      Collaborative Governance, the procedure of funeral permit, public service


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