• Asbur Hidayat West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government
  • Ika Sartika Government Institut of Home Affairs (IPDN)
  • Layla Kurniawati Government Institut of Home Affairs (IPDN)


This study aims to get an overview of the process of implementing population service innovations in village offices carried out by the department of population and civil registration in North Lombok district.  The theory used is Theodore Levitt's theory, which includes Strategy and Customers (Society), Actions and Results, Processes and Infrastructure, People and Technology. The research design used is qualitative research with an inductive approach. The technique of collecting data uses interviews, observation and documentation.The results of the study show that the process of implementing population services in the village office by the population department and civil registration of North Lombok Regency in terms of Strategy and Customers, there are 5 strategies used in implementing the innovation but less than optimal, Innovation is in accordance with what is expected by the community; in terms of Actions and Results, the achievement of services that continues to increase, the socialization carried out has not been maximized; and from Process and Infrastructure, Population Services are carried out with 2 (two) service times each week which results in too long a range of services for each village and existing infrastructure is not sufficient in providing optimal services, inadequate road infrastructure especially in mountainous areas or hills; Judging from the people involved that the leaders always provide motivation to employees to improve service but there is no award or incentive  for employees who excel, employee competency is still low in terms of education and still rigid in the service process; and from Technology that Services use M2M tools (Machine to Machine) as well as Nationally Integrated Population Administration Information System (SIAK) Applications and Internet Stability that are still less stable which results in services being less than optimal;

Keywords: Innovation, Service, Population, Civil Registration


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