The Implementation of Performance Management System to Ensure Accountability in Public Sector: A Case Study in Sukabumi City
Every money spent and used by Government must be oriented to outcomes that can be measured by performance accountability, because all money that Government has is coming from taxes. Government Institution Performance Accountability System is a method that ensures every money spent by the Government must be oriented to outcomes, impacts and benefits that can be felt by the people. That is, the function of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System is to encourage performance of public sector. In the last three years the performance of Sukabumi City Government has not shown steady increase. This study aims to find out and explain how the implementation of a Government Agency Performance Accountability Management System in improving the performance of the Government of Sukabumi City. The method used by researchers in this study is a qualitative, descriptive method with an inductive approach. Then the data collection techniques used are interviews, documentation and observation, where researchers focus on the variables to be studied in order to obtain an empirical picture in the field.. Furthermore, to dissect the management of Government Institution Performance Accountability System in improving the performance of the City Government of Sukabumi, the researcher applied the Edward III Implementation theory, where the Implementation theory has four indicators namely communication, resources, disposition/attitude and bureaucratic structure. The results obtained by researchers based on empirical facts in the field through primary and secondary data, found that the government of Sukabumi City still faces some issues on human resources and organizational structure.
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